Course overview/objective:

To gain the confidence to set up specialised yoga classes for pregnant women.  Taking teachers through the nine-month experience of pregnancy, ending with the miracle of birth and how they, as yoga teachers, can aid this process and help a woman to get in touch with her inner power as woman and mother.

Course content:

  • Delivered over 6 days

  • Includes antenatal to give the yoga teacher a greater understanding of pregnancy and birth as it relates to teaching a pregnant woman in a class

  • Includes post-natal yoga to assist a woman in post delivery care

  • Led by facilitators with backgrounds in midwifery, yoga teaching and post-natal recovery

  • Includes a teaching assessment in line with Yoga Alliance requirements.

Course Facilitators:

Tutors Include:

Carmel Flaherty, Midwife National Maternity Hospital Holles Street, Lecturer in UCD and yoga teacher

June Crawley, Yoga teacher

Karen Murphy, Yoga for Pregnancy Teacher


A yoga teacher training qualification


YTI Certificate in teaching yoga for pregnancy

Next Course 2024:

Dates:  5, 6, 19, 20 Oct.; 2, 3 Nov.  2024 (6 days)

Note: A 2 day more in depth Post Natal/Mum and Baby module will follow directly on from Pregnancy course.


Please note, above information is subject to change