Course overview/objective:
To enable yoga teachers as well as primary school teachers, SNAs, Montessori and Pre-School teachers, to teach children in a primary school setting to compliment the SPHE (Social, Personal, Health Education) curriculum currently used in schools.
Course content:
Course Facilitators:
Tutors Include:
This course is open to primary school teachers, SNAs, Montessori and Pre-School teachers, who actively teach in the primary school sector. The course is also open to fully qualified yoga teachers who would like to teach yoga for children in a studio setting.
YTI Certificate in Teaching Yoga for Children
Next Course 2024:
12, 13, 19 Oct. 2024 – early booking advised.
We intend going ahead with all courses commencing from September, subject to health and safety advice regarding COVID 19 from Department of Health.
Please be aware that training may include a combination of face to face input on site in Marino Institute of Education and/or engaging with online lectures remotely.
Further information will be provided closer to the dates.
To book a place, click the Pay Now button below
Please note, above information is subject to change