“The foundation course taught by two wonderful tutors Lucy Cullen and Tara O Neill helped me to further my daily yoga practice in many ways. Here I learned so many little gems of life tools to help broaden my path on the journey to becoming a yoga teacher. Throughout this 6 month course I caught myself surprisingly stopped in my tracks during many amazing “ah ha!” present moments which in turn had brought upon me some truly sweet life changing experiences.
I then happily continued on the amazing YTI diploma course with the wonderful tutors Linda Southgate and Marie Lennon and I am so grateful to be able to say YAY! .. I am now a fully qualified yoga teacher being able to share and pass on my experiences and learnings to others through asanas, meditation, relaxation and other sweet goodness I have learned and stored in my YTI yoga toolbox.
Helping others to grow on their own yoga journey! Wow! A feeling so rewarding in every single way! Namaste x”

“After having done much research into schools both in Ireland and abroad, I landed on Yoga Therapy Ireland’s 500 hour training. When I read YTI’s details for their training teachers, something about it just felt right. Now, after 2 years of studies, I teach 7 classes a week and have the confidence and surety of skills from YTI’s training programme. I can honestly say that the thought and integrity of this course has been the most beneficial in my development as a teacher and in my yoga practice. I highly recommend this course and can say that the two years was very well spent!”

“I found the 2-year YTI teacher training Diploma course to be excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of it. The tutors, Marie and Linda, were of the highest standard and always there for support and helpful advice. The knowledge and confidence I gained from the course is greatly helping me to teach my own yoga students.”

“I have always wanted to do a Yoga Teacher Training Course and I am so happy and fulfilled that I was able to do this course. The friends I have made are wonderful, both tutors and fellow students.”

“I don’t think the course tutors could have given any more of themselves. Life changing, loved every minute of the course.”

“The 2 year yoga teacher training was one of the most exciting, inspiring and happy times in my life – a life changing experience. YTI provides a highly structured, comprehensive and professional teacher training course, giving a fantastic grounding with excellent direction and instruction given by the highly experienced tutors. What I loved about YTI is the perfect balance of theory and practice, giving the trainees the confidence to teach from the mat from the very beginning. The team work and camaraderie of the group was something very special, it felt like a family, I really felt supported every step of the journey. Training through YTI is the journey of a lifetime!!”

“The 2 year YTI teacher training course was an amazing experience for me. Not only do you learn so much about yoga and how to be the best teacher you can, I learnt so much about myself. The yoga course gives you strength to deal with unexpected pitfalls in life. It gives you real coping mechanisms & skills for life. Your personal journey begins with this course while meeting so many like minded beautiful loving people who are working with you and for you, every step of the way. If you’re feeling weak… give yourself this opportunity to strengthen. If you feel you won’t have the time… make the time for you. If you’re not sure it’s for you… at least try it. We can’t make changes alone… YTI is there to facilitate and hold us… through the ever changing road we call Life. Thank you to everyone I’ve met along the way especially Linda, Marie & Maureen. Namaste X”

“Having trained with YTI I feel extremely confident to teach yoga knowing that I have the continuous support of my peers and mentors. It’s changed my life!”

“Teachers and teaching techniques on the course were excellent. Great notes and handouts. I left the course knowing a lot and feeling very confident and well prepared for teaching.”

“This was an enthralling and fascinating journey guided by expert and caring tutors. Highly recommended.”

“Definitely one of the best Yoga courses around. Teaching techniques were excellent. Course made us into great Yoga teachers. I especially liked the Anatomy and Physiology detail.”